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5 Tips For Getting Great Shots Of Your Event Setup

Sharing photographs of your event setup is certain to maximise your exposure and generate engagement with your brand. Pictures are a great marketing tool to use on your social media, website, press releases or printed brochures, but taking them can be difficult – particularly in the sunnier weather. Here, we share our five tips for making sure the shots you catch are worthy of sharing. 1. Snap at specific times The higher the sun is in the sky, the more powerful its rays are on the ground. This is also when it’s at its hottest, which can have an effect on guests’ behaviours if you want to capture your setup in use. You can try avoiding the bright beams by taking your photographs at certain times during the day. Midday is the sun’s peak time, and often it’s shining away until the late afternoon. So it’s best to snap your setup in the morning and perhaps try again later when the sun’s a little lower to avoid harsh lighting. 2. Fill with flash Direct sunlight can often cause any people or objects in a picture to look under-exposed in comparison to the brightness of the sun. This can be easily combatted with a ‘fill flash’. It’s great at lighting up anything that’s not been hit by the sun’s rays. Just be sure to check each photo after you have taken them to ensure no one has their eyes closed! 3. Side-step shadows A major disadvantage of the sun is the shadows it produces. A photo of your shelter from outside, for example, may not show off the contents inside, or your own shadow may be visible at the bottom of the frame. If you can’t avoid the sun altogether, then you’ll need to find a way around the shadow issue. One method is to take your shots at specific angles. Prior to setting up your kit, try placing props in different positions and see which angle is the best. 4. Don’t forget filters There are certain camera filters available that are fantastic for lessening the effects of direct sunlight, like polarising and neutral-density filters. These reduce the light entering the camera, meaning you can use shutter speeds and apertures that are slower and smaller. If your camera doesn’t allow for the use of filters, you can always use software such as Photoshop to adjust your photographs’ brightness, contrast and white balance levels. 5. Succeed with your own shade Whilst these tips will help you reduce the impact of the sun, the best way to avoid its effects is by blocking it out altogether. You can do this with a reflector, or use a parasol to create your own shaded area. Thanks to the large surface areas of Surf & Turf’s parasols, you can take shots without any bother – the position of the sun won’t matter, and there’ll be no need for expensive cameras or any post-production work. They also have the added advantage of providing a space for your guests where they can enjoy the weather in comfort during your event. Parasols can be custom branded too, so you can extend your exposure even further. To find out more about the options available to suit your brand, get in touch on 01925 819608 or email
